Pete Smith

2024 Variety B to B Bash

I'm getting out on the road for kids in need!

I'm going on the Variety Bash and we're doing it to give kids in need a fair go! 

Inspired by the work of Variety - the Children's Charity NSW/ACT we wanted to support them by raising money as part of our participation in the Variety Bash. 

We created this page to make it easy for people to help us do exactly that. Please give whatever you can to this important cause. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

The more people that know about Variety, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Please help us help give kids in need a fair go!

My Updates

Bash Day 3+4

Friday 16th Aug
Variety Bash update ;

Your support means a lot to me and the kids that Variety supports.

Day 3 Charleville to Quilpie to Windorah.

I am sure that the highlight of each day continues to be the little ones, as the Bashers load them up with sugar (M&M's, Snakes, etc), Light Sabres, Yoyo's and other fun stuff. In Windorah the Bashers conducted an auction for 8 remote controlled cars which raised $14k. We raced the cars, and then the 8 kids that go to the school @ Windorah raced the cars which was hilarious. The highlight was that once the racing was done we left the kids with a proper r/c car each. A shock to them and they were delighted. 

The footy oval does not have a blade of grass and the cricket pitch is literally concrete. When asked the locals (of which there are only 60), they said that have neither do they have the numbers or opponents within 400kms. I remember complaining about having to drive from Beecroft to Mona Vale for a kids Rugby game, Perspective. 

I told Les that I am looking at minimum 4 stars **** for my Accom so Les upgraded me 1 million stars tonight, as we got out the Swags and Sleeping Bags. I even bought a mosquito face net, fearing the worst. Not content, I did the hustle, asked around and one the School Mum's said that we could use her spare 3br House next door. A/C + Hot Shower + 5 beds and a roof = we were cheering. I think I might have a scored a job next year as Accom Planner. 

We are being well fed and watered every day in these tiny towns and tonights chicken curry was gourmet. The Ladies Auxiliary we delighted when I gave them an impromptu MasterChef scoring. It was 10's all round.

The fun fact at Windorah was that just 2 weeks ago, the person running the only servo, cleared off in the middle of the night. She had not ordered fuel so the next week, so 50 people were left stranded until the fuel tanker arrived in 5 days. My theory was that the Publican manufactured this crisis so he could sell more food+beer. 
Day 4 : Windorah to Betoota to Birdsville. 

I am now convinced in a flat earth. Well out here anyway its bloody flat for hundreds of km's.

The folks at Betoota seemed to know very little about the Betoota Advocate which I thought was strange ;) - but after lunch and a couple of beers, along with some running car repairs and we were soon on our way. There are hoods up at every stop, as people scramble to keep these 79 old girls on the road every day.

Retracing the steps of the original bashers we then landed in Birdsville. We were greeted by Bash Founders Joe Basham + Dick Smith along with long time basher John Williamson who had all flown in for the day and night and were thoroughly charming, regaling us with stories from 40 years back. 

Dick spoke generously of his dealings with my Dad 40+ years ago. 

Accom this time was the floor of a child care/community centre.

Bash Day 1+2

Friday 16th Aug
Variety Bash : Day 1+2

Day 1 Dubbo to Coonable to Bourke

Well the first 2 days of the Variety Bash were both unexpected and interesting. Two days down 12 days to go and this is genuinely a religion for the people that participate. It's the 40th anniversary of the Bash but a  significant number of people that are doing the Bash have been doing it for 30 years plus including the gentleman that's hosting me, Les Smith.

Sat Navs are highly frowned upon so our car configuration includes a driver and navigator and someone resting in the back ensuring the Esky has ice and appropriate refreshments. The navigator is responsible for calling out left, right turns, grid, bridge, floodway and other obstacles. I am learning quickly. 

Don't call this a Bash for nothing and the core objective seems to be spend as much time on dirt and gravel roads as possible, as fast as possible and avoid the tar at all costs. We will drive through properties (most privately owned) with a combined 12 million acres. 

132 intrepid travellers set sail from Dubbo with 63 first timers including me. The cars must be minimum 25 years old and my ride is a 1964 Team Toshiba Compact Fairlane. The cars get flogged in very challenging road conditions. Some tar, some gravel and tonnes of dirt but they are beautifully prepared and presented.

Our 2nd car is a Holden HJ and it lost its gearbox just 50kms from our first night stop but they managed limp into Bourke. Fortunately the guys brought a spare gearbox (can you believe that) and then we highjacked a car hoist and the boys swung into action. 2.5hours later they were back on the road just in time for dinner and  fireworks. Another car blew a brand new Shock absorber (you need good ones) but again had a spare and got mobile. They are the very well prepared for nearly any eventuality.

There are planned stop offs at schools along the way to donate money to them and the Coonamble School was a beauty with the kids coming in on a Sunday doing a fabulous performance of true colors in sign language. Speaking of colours, there are plenty of Aboriginal kids and I asked the teachers whether the kids see colour in the primary years and they said no. But this does change once they get to high school. 

Day 2 Bourke to Cunnunurra to Charleville
Super "the World's skinniest Magician" is an institution with the lot and once we stopped in to the school at kunnamara and every other school along the way he performs a magic show for the kids (and adults). Today was Disco/Retro Day hence the wigs, bling etc. 

Australia is a very flat place and we are tromping through the edges of the desert. A few Emus and Cows here and there but not much lives here (during the day anyway). It is surprisingly green. 

I am starting to suffer from coffee withdrawals but managed to snafoo one from the Newsagent Cunnunurra. It was pretty good and I asked why she was the best and of course, she is the "only" coffee joint. LOL

The Coronas family came in early 1900's by accident and made their fortune and built the most impressive Pub in town. Unfortunately we won't stay in there but logged into the waltzing Matilda motor Inn only to find that there was no power at least until 7 o'clock that night so the only thing left to do is to head to the pub for a few beers. 

One of the traditions is to have a random pop up instant party on the side of the road and in the middle of nowhere. It is hosted by a veteran Bashers the "Bashbusters". You generally know you've arrived because you spot a Greyhound bus with dualling slushy machines and luxury business class airlines seating is never far from the fun. 

This group has raised over $1m just for this Bash alone so far and $240m since inception.

Thank you for the support!


Gai-lee Ditton


Nicholas McCarroll

Best of luck Pete!




J Sullivan

Have a great Bash Pete!


Joe C


Dora Hale

Good luck Pete! 🥰


Angela Alves


Ian Macqueen

On ya Paul


Blaxland Barns Pty Ltd

Power on Pete! Bon Voyage and good luck! The Blaxland Barn Team


Kingsley Moore

Look forward to hearing about it


Matthew Neill

Good on you Pete! Good luck


Lanluas Consulting

Go hard and stay on the road Pete!


David Kesby

Good luck Pete !


Matthew Dillow

Just remember a brake down is all part of the adventure!


The Parkers

Don’t forget your dust mask and fly net. Good luck. Well done supporting a worthwhile charity. Xxx


Jamie Barkley

Enjoy The Bash Pete


Joe P

Look forward to hearing about the experience.


Peter & Leesa Drayton


Will Creedon

Best of luck mate, be safe


Lachlan Smith

Good on you Dad!


Pasquale Lombardo

Good man !


Tino Mirabello


Scott Osborne

Go get em Pete. Great unselfish work and a lot of fun


William Carr

Well done mate, great work!


Timmy Mortimer

Knock the froth off a couple at a good ol country pub for me 🍻


Lisa Peterson

Good job Pete, good cause


Wendy Laureti

Onya Pete 💗👏👏👏


Steve Johnson

Good Luck Pete


Pettigrew Family Funerals


Citadel Insurance Services Pty Ltd

Great work Pete, wish I was coming with you.


Rhys Williams


Colin & Judy Peterson

Go Pete!


Bruce And Jo Gilmour

Great cause, have fun Pete!


George & Mirella Grasso

It’s a great cause Pete. I did it several times and was on the Variety Appeals committee with the late Tony Tamplin for a while. Loved every bit of it and most of all the joy on the kids faces in need when delivering a life changing opportunity to them and their families.


Rob Jeffress

Have a great trip Pete


Tim M

Go Pete go!


Bart Sobies &

Good work Pete!!!


Andrew & Tracey West

Have a great trip Pete


Mark And Tracy Keegan


Vicki Woods

Go you good thing Vicki & Bruce


Chris And Donna Browne

Hope it goes really well Pete. Great work


Kim Richardson

Onya Pete. Great cause


Paul And Linda McNay

Good luck. Great cause.


Julie George

Good luck with your fundraising Pete! This is an awesome cause and also looks like a lot of fun to be had on a trip of a lifetime.


Graeme Robinson

Great cause have fun


Sue Gleave

Go for it Pete xx



Done brother.


Ian Connolly

Hey Pete good job mate.