Nic McH

2024 Variety B to B Bash

I'm getting out on the road for kids in need!

I'm going on the Variety Bash and we're doing it to give kids in need a fair go! 

Inspired by the work of Variety - the Children's Charity NSW/ACT we wanted to support them by raising money as part of our participation in the Variety Bash. 

We created this page to make it easy for people to help us do exactly that. Please give whatever you can to this important cause. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

The more people that know about Variety, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Please help us help give kids in need a fair go!

My Updates

Got to start Somewhere....

Wednesday 25th Oct
Life is an adventure and thats the mindset thats gets me through anything - no matter what....

If I can support in some way - I do. You all know that which is why you always ask me.

It's important to do something that aligns with what makes my soul sing - it's not as fluffy as it sounds I promise.

If I had a dollar for everyone who has ever said to me 'Ive always wanted to do a Variety Bash", I would have blown the fundraising ceiling off its walls long long ago

So do it - join along with me and support me, 

Please donate to the help me help the kids

I am going on the adventure anyway so you might as well enjoy it vicariously - hence Car-pe Diem !

Thanks in advance


Thank you for the support!



Way to go, Nic!


Sarah Ansell

Go Girl!


Vickie Burkinshaw





Nic McHenry


Mchenry Nic


Mchenry Nic