Cindy Posthuma

2024 Variety B to B Bash

I'm getting out on the road for kids in need!

I'm going on the Variety Bash and we're doing it to give kids in need a fair go! 

Inspired by the work of Variety - the Children's Charity NSW/ACT we wanted to support them by raising money as part of our participation in the Variety Bash. 

We created this page to make it easy for people to help us do exactly that. Please give whatever you can to this important cause. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

The more people that know about Variety, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Please help us help give kids in need a fair go!

Thank you for the support!


Matt Godfrey

So pleased you have made this trip CP and we are all very proud of you here at the branch - great job Champo!!


Leanne Warner

Great job Cindy and everyone from Toyota MPH


Paul Valavanis

Good luck and may the force b with u


Chocolate Box Fundraising

Thanks to everyone who treated themselves to a chocolate or two !


David Collett

A wife and husband are going on a road trip. After a few hours, the wife decides she is tired. Wife: Y'know honey, I think I might take a nap. The husband gives her a nod, and after putting her chair into a comfortable position for sleeping, she dozes off. A while later, she wakes up, and notices that they are completely off road and in some place she doesn't recognize. Wife: Where the hell are we! Husband: I don't know, I just woke up too... HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Frazer Olive

Good on ya, well done !




Kris Thomas

Good luck Cindy. Have fun, making wonderful memories.



Good luck and enjoy!!!


Carole Arguros

Good luck and have a great time


Orana Motor Inn

The Team at Orana Motor Inn wish you all the best for this great fundraiser.


Stephanie Domanski


Ivan Davies

Go luck Cindy


Ramkumar Purushotham


Stuart Kenny


Brendan & Bruna Ackland

You’ll have the best experience on this trip. Have fun and enjoy it.


Matthew Baldwin


Kon Georgiou

You would do better in a valiant


Bilal Ghoussaini

Good luck Cindy Give plenty of hugs on your beautiful journey❤️


Michael Coppola

You get them Cindy, Have a ball, cant wait to see the photos!


Anthony Faris


Jayne Phelps

So excited for you and the charity x


Tony Laws


Karen Brandon


Karen W


Jarryd Harris


Mark Dilla


Matt M

Have fun, but try not to get eaten by a croc out there.


Andrew Redmore

Enjoy Cindy and watch out for those wild animals on roads Sorry boys team 😁 always good to support great projects


Avea Tupai

Awesome stuff Cindy♥️


Vyvette Nugegoda

Good Work Cindy - Enjoy the Bash



Go Cindy - hope you have a great time!


Leanne Warner

Doing great


Hire A Hubby: Drouin-Tooradin

Great work fukkr, keep going. Have a great time... it's gonna be a blast!


Sivalingakumar Jaihind

Enjoy your trip Cindy.


Kane Dunne

Just won on the Stanley cup 😂


Garry & Dianne


Sandy &Gleno

You go girl. So happy you get to do this amazing adventure


Thermo Mixmaster Jo

Good Luck Cindy xx


Kane Dunne



P&A Trimming


Paul Baxter

Good luck and have fun






Rush Mobile Cafe

Good luck Cindy! I might follow you in my coffee van!


Mick Dalton


Alltrade Industrial Supplies

Good luck


Adam Goon


Scott Maddock

Have a blast Cindy, don’t worry there are toilets on the 444 bus 🤣😂



Go Cindy!





What an amazing way to raise much needed funds