
2024 Variety B to B Bash

I'm getting out on the road for kids in need!

If you're like me, you would've seen the iconic images of old cars painted and "modified" with the famous " variety club" logo on it driving from one end of this big country to the other. 

The "Bash" raises money which they distribute to support kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability. 

This year is the 40th anniversary of the Variety Bash Car Rally so I'm jumping in an old Mercedes with Variety NSW/ACT CEO - Tony Warner for an adventure from Dubbo to Karumba (Nth Qld) and back. 

There's lots of stories about the amazing programs and individuals that Variety funds. Tony motivated me to join him by sharing a story about him and a paediatrician recently flying in a small plane to Western NSW remote communities so kids with disabilities could be assessed and get extra support to help them learn and stay in school. 

As my friends know Im also passionate about mental health and the work of Lifeline and 13 YARN. Im grateful I've been able to include Lifeline stickers on our Bash car and will be able to remind and reconnect people we meet on the trip that if there's a phone - they're never alone.

Last year the Bash raised $3.88 million and we're aiming to beat that in 2024.

Variety created this page to make it easy for people to sponsor Tony and I . Please give whatever you can to help vulnerable and disadvantaged kids.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

The more people that know about Variety, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Please help us help give kids in need a fair go!

Thank you for the support!


Tania Byrnes

What an adventure, what a cause, what a mission. Well done Andy and crew.


Yolanda Schreij


Samantha McLachlan


Phil & Gill Newton

Go, you bloody legend!


Carol Kim

Super effort by Andy. Have a safe trip.


Jaya Goodfellow


ROSHINI Wijesinghe


Vic Roche

Well done Andy !


Kate Clarkson

Hope you are having fun! Great cause- happy to support!


Jason Nunes

This is so awesome, Andy! Best of luck reaching your target. I wish you all the very best.


Bethany Farley

Awesome cause and iconic andventure Andy!


Glen Powell

Loving the updates Andy!


Trin And Gary

Go you good thing!



Now that's a car I'd love to be a passenger in!! Good on you guys x


Linda Benson

Such a great cause Andy!


Tim Newton

Go get 'em big fella! Have fun out west


David Kerrigan

I’m sure you will have a memorable experience Andy.


Chris Apps

Good luck Andy. Sounds like an amazing trip.


Pat Blacker


Rick Lyddiard


Tony Wyld

I believe the children are our future - Linda Creed 1977