Help kids living with disability discover the joy of childhood. Donate now.

Last year, nine-year-old Mikey rode a bike for the very first time.

But it wasn’t just any bike. It had been specially adapted for Mikey to be able to ride. Without the adaptive bike, Mikey would still be sitting on the sidelines, watching.  

“When people ride past us on bikes he stares at the wheels and watches them spin,” said Mikey’s mum, Tina. 

Every child deserves to ride a bike for the first time but for children who are living with a disability, this is often not possible. Your support will help create these precious moments.

Mikey has a rare condition where part of his brain is not fully developed. He is nonverbal and needs assistance for most of his daily tasks, so riding a bike is something he hasn’t been able to do. Kids like Mikey need a solution that is adapted to their needs. Equipment that is safe and secure and allows them to participate regardless of their disability. 

Right now, the demand for adaptive equipment and technology in schools is high, as more and more children require support, but many don’t have the funds to acquire such specialised equipment. With your support, Variety provides children who are sick, living with disabilities, or experiencing disadvantage the chance to reach their full potential, regardless of ability or background. Since Mikey’s school received the adaptive bikes from Variety, Mikey has discovered a new favourite activity. The bikes also allow Mikey to participate in sports at school alongside his peers. 

We need your help today so other schools and organisations can access the Variety We Join Grant. By providing schools and other organisations with adaptive technology and equipment, you’re giving children an opportunity to engage in activities and learning experiences that will boost their confidence and self-esteem. 

Will you donate today and help a child living with a disability the chance to be included? 

Your support not only provides a child, like Mikey, with new experiences and activities, but you are contributing to a child’s wellbeing and development, laying the foundation for a brighter and more inclusive future.