Make your next birthday a life changing event.
Ask your family and friends for a donation instead of gifts. You will help give kids a fair go – which is the best gift of all!

Instead of presents this year, ask your friends and family for a donation to support kids in need.

Set up your fundraising page and share it with your nearest and dearest!

Funds raised support the Variety Just Like You program, educating kids and building awareness of people with a disability.
1 in 2 kids living with a disability are bullied at school – today you can help by deciding to stand up to bullying.

Your birthday can make a difference!
Funds raised by B'day Legends supports Variety's Just Like You program - A free disability awareness program educating primary school students on the acceptance and inclusion of people living with a disability.
The program helps kids learn that people living with a disability are the same as everyone else – that they're Just Like You.
B'days made easy.

We've collected our best tips and tools to make your fundraising easier!

Invites, bunting and more! We’ve got lots of party printables ready for you.

Tell us your plans, we’d love to hear them and help as much as we can aong the way!
Let's chat
Help change the lives of kids, like Katinka.
By pledging your birthday, you’ll help kids like Katinka living with a disability to feel safer, more included and accepted.
Katinka has Down Syndrome and as part of her disability, has extremely low muscle tone. Katinka was granted a walker by Variety, allowing her to take part in everyday activities, and also giving her greater freedom of movement, increased muscle strength and endurance.
We're here to help.
Got a question (or two) or want to discuss a fundraising idea?
Give us a call on (02) 9819 1000, send us an email or message via the website