Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about fundraising for Variety and how you can get involved.

If we missed something, please give us a call on (02) 9819 1000, send us an email or message via the website. 

Questions about getting started.

How do I register to fundraise for Variety?

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You can register anytime you like by clicking the 'Get Started' button.

Straight away you'll receive your login details for your online fundraising page via email, and within a few days you can expect to hear from one of the Variety team.

What help can I expect from Variety? Will Variety promote my event?

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If you're organising an event, you'll need to manage any ticket sales, organising of prizes and keep track of your finances, including the collection of money.

Don’t feel as though you need to ‘go it alone’. You’ll be surprised at just how keen your family and friends will be to help!

Please let us know if you need help with fundraising materials or would like to use our logo. We’d also love to keep a copy of what you’re sending out, so please get in touch via email or phone on 02 9819 1000.

Our preferred wording for fundraising materials, like posters and social media is “Proudly supporting Variety – the Children’s Charity”.

Can I personalise my fundraising page?

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Yes! You can personalise your fundraising page with images and information about what inspired you to get involved and support Variety. Most importantly, don’t be shy about being a hero for kids! Tell everyone about your fundraising page through social media, email or in person. You can also keep people updated through social media of your upcoming events and fundraising activities.

Do I need to create a fundraising page? Can I just hold an event?

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We always recommend setting up an online fundraising page, it's a great way for those who'd like to support you but can't make it to the event to make a donation. It also allows us, the Variety team to provide you with help as and when you need it. Once you register we’ll be in contact to find out your plans and how we can best support you. 

If you are having troubles setting up your page, please get in contact with us either via phone (02 9819 1000) or email.

Questions about the money raised.

How does the money raised get to Variety?

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Any cash donations you've received or funds you have raised offline can be deposited via your fundraising page or deposited directly to Variety's bank account. 

If. you'd like to make a deposit, please contact us for further details via email or phone on 02 9819 1000

Can I choose what the funds I raise specifically support?

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Any funds are raised through events go to wherever help is most urgently needed. You can learn more about how Variety helps children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs in the ‘how we help’ section of our website.

Can people who donate get a tax deductible receipt?

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Anyone who donates $2 or more through your online fundraising page will automatically be emailed a tax deductible receipt.If you’re collecting funds offline (e.g. in person) please keep a record of those requiring receipt and the value of their donation. Please send this through to us when you deposit the proceeds to the Variety bank account so we can issues receipts to your supporters.

Questions about my fundraising page and dashboard.

How does the money raised get to Variety?

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Any cash donations you've received or funds you have raised offline can be deposited via your fundraising page or deposited directly to Variety's bank account. 

If. you'd like to make a deposit, please contact us for further details via email or phone on 02 9819 1000

Can I choose what the funds I raise specifically support?

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Any funds are raised through events go to wherever help is most urgently needed. You can learn more about how Variety helps children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs in the ‘how we help’ section of our website.

Can people who donate get a tax deductible receipt?

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Anyone who donates $2 or more through your online fundraising page will automatically be emailed a tax deductible receipt.If you’re collecting funds offline (e.g. in person) please keep a record of those requiring receipt and the value of their donation. Please send this through to us when you deposit the proceeds to the Variety bank account so we can issues receipts to your supporters.