Comic Relief

2024 Variety B to B Bash

We're getting out on the road for kids in need!

We're going on the 40th Anniversary Variety Bash and we're doing it to raise money for Australian kids that may have a disability, illness or are disadvantaged.

Our team is passionate about supporting our future generation and ensuring we provide an inclusive world to all children.  We are a team that love to stand strong for those that might not yet have a voice and ensure their future success.


Meet the Team:

Rusty – Bush Mechanic/ In charge of all thing’s car related – Ironman.

Kirsty – Rusty’s daughter – Epic long range driver/Collective doer of all Missions Impossible   – Supergirl

Angie – Driver/Corporate Marketing/Project Manager/Money Manager– Harley Quinn.


Angie is inspired by the work of Variety - the Children's Charity NSW/ACT and has a passion for inclusion, working in the Just Like You, disability inclusion program. She also has come from a family of hidden disabilities, which flames her passion.

‘Eric’ our car was found in Angie’s late Fathers (Eric) shed and Rusty took the reins in bringing her back to life!  The idea was born to use this car to support Variety and its integral work. Angie’s dad looked after his non-verbal son (Luke) for 36 years before passing in 2022. This legacy passed to Angie (assisted by younger sister Catherine), who is also the carer of three other family members.

Rusty and Kirsty loved Angie’s idea to do this BASH and raise money for children. A quest has begun! ... A shout out to Angie’s mum who supports her and will take care of the home front in her absence.

We created this page to make it easy for people to help us do exactly that. Please give whatever you can to this important cause. Thank you so much for your generosity, it means so much to us! 

The more people that know about Variety, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family. 

Please help us help give our Aussie kids in need a fair go!

Thank you to our Sponsors



Go Eric! Go! Go!


Leo Van Veelen

Glad car is coming along it is confidence inspiring. Not that I didn’t have confidence in you anyway



Safe travels to the Comic Relief Team Wishing you a wonderful trip


Tina Kao

Good luck Angie!



Go Mum!