Tail End Charlies are Dashers

2024 Variety Postie Bike Dash

Tail end Charlies

Hi Guys

We are a team of 3. 2 older guys with 2 wheels in our blood & my Daughter who has spent many more hours on horseback in the remotest parts of Australia than most. The 2 older members of our team have enjoyed a lot of life & feel it is time to give a bit back. Our youngest member Cowgirl Nicci is out to change the world for the better.  Variety is a charity with a history of great events & if we can assist by raising a few $ we will.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Aqua Power Marine



Well done Team! Great effort!



You’re elite


Complete Ear Marking Pliers


Wabbits 🐰

Keep up the good work 🙏


Daved Lambert

Well done Simon. best of luck.


Automation Solutions

Great work mate




Korumburra Tourist Park


Jennifer Jackson

Good on ya James. Hope you enjoy the ride




Janine & Adam Firth


Prince Charming

Good luck rock star xx


Lynda Ozkara

Happy riding guys xx



So proud of you!


Mark Lay


Cameron Pearce


Jodie Piotrowski


Andrew David Teitge

Good luck. Keep things the right way up


Thomas Hill


Shane Allan


Jack Curtis

Good man


James Gardiner

Love your work





You’re amazing ❤️


Kirrily Swaffield

Hope you have a blast. Stay safe.