Jed's a Dasher

2024 Variety Postie Bike Dash

I'm a Dasher!

Here I am, and if I go, when will I stop I don’t know.

This will be my third year in a row on the bike and I hope it doesn’t end

Let me tell you how this all started back in the day there was a man named Bob Skinner my pop. From what my Nanna could tell me he loved helping out the children charities he’s done the boat bash and the bush bash. Unfortunately, he passed away before I was born.

Jumping all the way to the start of 2022 I have freshly gotten my motorbike license and I decided to get a postie as my first bike. My Nan saw that I brought this bike and her first words were I was going to get hit by a car but after she said that she told me she saw this post about variety children’s charity postie bash she told me how my pop used to do it so I decided to sign up and give it a go.

At first, I was terrified I’ve never driven on a dirt road i’m from the Gold Coast the roughest train I’ve been on is when the council didn’t patch its potholes and this was when the floods happened, so most of them were washed away or damaged. 

But after a day or two, I got a hang of it, and after a while I started having good fun.

At the time I didn’t know what to expect the furthest inland before the bash I’ve been was Toowoomba. seeing the countryside starting from Armadale was beautiful and amazing we saw Fields Lakes a dams overflow way even old world war tank traps next to the road. but the biggest surprise was when we stopped at some of the schools. comparing the schools to the ones that I went to was an eye-opener seeing the help firsthand of what variety is doing for children is really inspiring work fundraising money to help give schools, the equipment and tools it needs to better educate its students and to help those with disabilities and learning needs.

I am proud to be a part of this amazing community, helping fund rise for this charity to help everyone who needs it. every ride I go on is to help raise money I’ll be doing this for as long as I can. Even if I can’t feel my bum.

Thank you for the support!


Jed Spaull


Jed Spaull


Jed Spaull