I'm taking on Variety's Spin 4 Kids challenge & I need your help!

Variety Spin 4 Kids Sydney 2024

Supporting children in need

I've signed up with team Zembl for the Variety Spin 4 Kids Fundraiser on 6th September. 

This is a 5 hour spin bike challenge to raise money for Variety - the Children's Charity that supports kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.

In full disclosure I'm not on the bike for the whole 5 hours but team captain Neal Hawkins is taking this seriously so it's going to be painful.

Any donations are greatly appreciated 🚲

Thank you for the support!



Well done Austin! Hope it all goes well


Rob Brauer


Justin Huntsdale

Go Aus!


Karen Singer


Christine Huntsdale

A great cause, bravo Austin!


Sally Brauer

Go Austin!


Austin Huntsdale


Austin Huntsdale