Chris's an Adventure Rider

2025 Variety Adventure Ride

I'm taking part in the Variety Adventure Ride to help give kids a fair go!

I'm taking my adventure bike and will be hitting the road in September on the Variety Adventure Ride, all in support of Variety – the Children’s Charity!

As little as $5 is fine it all helps just put any amount in the box at bottom of donation panel.

Throughout the event, we’ll be visiting local towns but before I can get the bike out on the road I want to raise funds to give kids in need a fair go. Variety continues to support kids, families and communities in NSW/ACT throughout the year with funds raised from the Variety Adventure Ride.

It's going to be an extraordinary trip. Please give whatever you can to this important cause. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Please help me help give kids in need a fair go!

Thank you for the support!


Glenn & Cathy Croft

Well done Chris ! Great cause…keep up the good work!



Hi Chris, I wish you good luck for your trip and what a nice cause to ride for. Lots of support and kisses from France.




Chris Evans